Pest control of crops
We offer a comprehensive crop protection service. We develop strategies to control weeds, insects, and diseases basing ourselves on our experience and competence together with constant interaction, which allows us to define DYNAMIC THRESHOLDS appropriate to the needs of every agricultural and livestock company.
We guarantee accurate data collection, and frequent and sequenced visits by our qualified staff, experienced in detecting pests. Our teams have motorbikes to reach all the plots, software to systematize the information, and GPS signal to visualize the area covered, all under the direct supervision and coordination of a specialized team.
This service periodically provides systematized information of the evolution of the pests, which can be visualized in a web platform together with the plant health recommendation of the product, dosage, and time of application, taking into account the stock and the needs of each client.
This service covers the following areas: Santiago del Estero, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Córdoba, and Buenos Aires provinces, and the neighboring country, Uruguay, which gives us an important tool that —together with the light trap service— allows us to predict the direction of particular pests, helping us anticipate problems and generate alerts for potential damage. These tools support our consultancy on decision-making, together with a permanent relationship with professionals from INTA, UBA, and a wide range of companies in the field.